Archive Monthly Archives: October 2014

Review of “The New Mrs. Collins,” by Quanie Miller

The New Mrs. Collins by Quanie MillerYes, I’ve been away a long time. I’ve been busy, what can I say? But I’ve been busy trying to get my second novel out, so at least I have a great excuse, no?

I had to pop in today though and tell you about a new book that was just released. It was a great read, very entertaining and well-written. It’s called “The New Mrs. Collins,” and was written by Quanie Miller.

Apparently Quanie and I have a similar love for R.L. Stine and Christopher Pike, although now in my “older” years I get scared easily and shy away from paranormal-I read hers and loved it!

Quanie’s writing style was great. Her character building was perfect. Sometimes people try too hard and it’s noticeable. Hers was simply, natural.

So, with perfect timing for Halloween and all things a little spooky, I suggest you go out and get her book.

You can find it on, be sure to leave her a review and help support Indie Authors!